Greeting to you friends, I will be discussing the ever first decentralized service recommended platform which entails the details about ServAdvisor .
The revolutionary approach leveraging benefits of blockchain technology and providing direct connection between retailers service providers and users.
ServAdvisor is the first decentralized service worldwide platform recommendations based on specific customer-specific preference. creating a revolutionary token-based economic connection service
consumer service providers into a single eco-system. The main advantage of the platform is that the service consumers around the world will get rewarded for sharing accurate information and high-quality reviews, as retail providers will have direct access to potential consumers, standing at their door. Motivated users are more likely to write reviews right away after service consumed, ServAdvisor aims to create real-time that is constantly updated and maintained the worldwide platform that is reliable, accurate, and useful.
ServAdvisor is on the verge of revolutionizing the way we consume services by bringing customer experience to a new level due to a combination of Augmented Reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and customer incentivized review platform.

ServAdvisor APP
ServAdvisor app gathers information on over 100 million retailers\ service providers around the world, with contributions and ratings from existing review providers adding the element in augmented reality for better interaction and engagement with real-time user environments.
ServAdvisor app shows retailers\ service providers via AR in smartphone camera making them easier to distinguish. It will allow potential service consumers to discover details about their surroundings and access related ratings and reviews information already optimized by AI based on their preferences.
ServAdvisor app uses your phone’s camera viewfinder to spot nearby retailers\ service providers and shows what is around you including, but not limited to below. Similar retailers\ service providers that are located at the same location are grouped.

ServAdvisor App comprises of the following main components:
- Augmented Reality with GPS tracking
- Artificial Intelligence to optimize users preferences
- Incentivized service consumers reviews
- Incentivized advertisements from retailers\ service providers to consumers, standing at their door
- Wi-Fi passwords sharing module
- Multi-language advantages
- Tap to scan
- ServAdvisor Friends and Experts

For Service consumers:
ServAdvisor will create a truly global, high quality, decentralized retailers/service providers information and recommendation platform based on Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence, something that has never been possible with centralized services before.
This offers huge benefits to both users and retailers/service providers and allows users to earn money while consuming services, that are tailored by AI to fit their preferences.
Users will be rewarded for contributing their quality content and information to the App, even receiving part of the advertising fee from restaurants, and will be able to use the money they earn from their contributions to consume other services or even to transfer to fiat money. The platform also helps users find new and exciting services that they are sure to enjoy, helping them to enrich their daily lives.
For Retailers/Service Providers:
ServAdvisor Platform will provide retailers/service providers with a new and highly targeted channel to send marketing messages to consumers, literally standing at the door. It will also provide retailers/service providers with access to valuable aggregate data about these consumers’ buying habits. This becomes a sustainable mechanism for retailers/service providers to maintain customer loyalty, to provide rich product and promotional information to influence purchase decisions.
• Direct communication to customer - enabling retailers/service providers to deliver messages to their consumers, standing at their door
• Express gratitude for your precious customer
• Consumer demographic and behavior analytics - offering an advanced analytics suite that provides retailers/service providers with access to comprehensive consumer patterns and trends
• Targeted, personalized marketing - giving retailers/service providers a powerful tool to market to consumers their services, based on time, location and behavioral criteria provided AI
• A ready-made loyalty program - enabling retailers/service providers to reward consumers in the form of ServCoins for engaging with their services on the ServAdvisor App
• Social media integration - allowing retailers/service providers to encourage their consumers to subscribe and interact with their social media channels
What is ServCoin?
ServCoins are utility tokens that will become the currency that enables retailers and service providers to utilize this powerful blockchain distributed platform to influence and reward consumers to make smarter choices.
ServAdvisor is a marketing and consumer engagement platform that enables participating brands to incentivize consumers who check their info via App. This becomes a sustainable mechanism for retailers\ service providers to maintain customer loyalty, to provide rich product and promotional information to influence purchase decisions right at the time when the user is actually standing at the door.

ServCoins are utility tokens that will become the currency that enables retailers and service providers to utilize this powerful blockchain distributed platform to influence and reward consumers to make smarter choices.
. Token name: ServCoin token
. Ticker: SRV
. Platform: Ethereum
. Type: Utility
. Total supply: 2 000 000 000 SRV
. Softcap: NO SOFTCAP
. Hardcap: 30 000 ETH
. Token Sale: 10.09 - 10.10
. Accepted purchase: ETH
. Price: 1 ETH = 50 000 - 65 000 SRV
. Minimum investment: 0.1 ETH
. Country: Germany
. Whitelist/KYC: Yes

Crowd-Sale stage 1
Crowd-Sale stage 2
Crowd-Sale stage 3
10.09 - 10.10
12.11 - 12.12
195 000 000 SRV
1 495 000 000 SRV
1 ETH = 65 000 SRV
1 ETH = 60 000 SRV
1 ETH = 57 500 SRV
1 ETH = 50 000 SRV
3 000 ETH
10 000 ETH
20 000 ETH
30 000 ETH
Q3 2017
Idea Development, forming Technical specification.
Team Building.
Q4 2017
Concept Design.
Q3 2018
Q4 2018
Alpha version release.
Q1 2019
Marketing retailers/service providers.
Listing on the exchanges.
Full-scale development, beta version release.
Q2 2019
10 mio users, over 1 mio retailers/service providers connected.
Q3 2019
Opening of the representative offices in USA, Asia.
Q4 2019
50 mio users, over 5 mio retailers/service providers connected.


For more detail information, visit below:
Official website: www.ServAdvisor.co
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sskHGw9c-c
Official Twitter Account: https://twitter.com/ServAdvisor
Official Telegram: https://t.me/ServAdvisor
ETH ACC. - 0x1911F0E835DA0706b783DDE62274280CE91f1F61
BTT profile link - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2246034
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