Greetings to you all readers, in this article i will be discussing what exactly this brand new and pathfinding innovation Financex is all about and i will appreciate your standing by till the end.
Thanks to the world of technology mixed with the innovation of this company Financex making it possible for the success of this platform and standing it out in the wild of Cryptocurrency with its exceptional cutting edge effort, as a corner stone and swift transformation to evolve.
Many people in the fintech industry would agree that we are all very lucky to be living in this significant moment in time, where blockchain and crypto have only just appeared on the global scene. Fintech has opened up a new world for business, a world with a lot of room for new ideas and developments.
Introducing Financex?
Financex is dealing with the country's currency: This is the biggest difference with FinanceX.
Because transactions can use their own local currency to buy / sel other currencies through multiple types of payments. The FinanceX platform allows users to trade with different systems from multiple countries. This connection will make transactions and electronic funds transfer and fiat easier in the user's land as well as the local currency of other countries.
Benefits of Financex Over other exchanges?
Simple transaction:
Modern, intuitive user interface and simple order process so you can trade from day one
High liquidity:
This platform guarantees high liquidity with stable trading volume creating an attractive playing field in the investment process of traders.
The system is built on the most advanced and stable cloud infrastructure to ensure the highest availability.
Security and privacy:
Secure your information and keep money in your wallet in the deal
Low price:
This platform ensures that players receive competitive therapies and costs compared to those in each country
Transparent fee structure:
We provide a simple fee structure with low rates. No hidden fees

The FinanceX exchange platform allows users to trade in local currencies from multiple countries. This makes trading faster and easier when users can buy / sell electronic money directly instead of using slower and harder methods using intermediaries, such as BTC or ETH. This also means that users can trade from different countries without further difficulty, which makes us different from other exchanges.
FinanceX makes this process easier by allowing users to choose from a variety of payment methods. These include local or international bank transfer, VISA or MasterCard and electronic wallet options (PayPal, Screw, etc.). Moving from fiat to wallet takes about 30 seconds, fiat money withdrawal takes less than 60 minutes compared to transaction time. FinanceX is turning to more convenient transactions than ever before.
FinanceX will issue 900 million FNX alerts.
FNX will be the official trading currency on the FinanceX encrypted trading platform and will provide greater liquidity for the platform.
Round 1 ICO:
Amount: 120 million Token
Price: $ 0.028
Round 2 ICO:
Amount: 110 million Token
Price: $ 0.036
Round 3 of ICO:
Amount: 90 million tokens
Price: $ 0.047
Token Distribution:

Using FNX for the transaction, users will receive a discount:
First 6 month period: 50%
2nd 6 month period: 20%
Year 2: 15%
Third year: 8.5%
4th Year: 0%

WEBSITE: https://ico.financex.io/
FINANCEX EXCHANGE: https://financex.io/
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/FinanceX_Token
TELEGRAM - VN: https://t.me/FinanceX_Vietnam
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/@therealFinanceX
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@FinanceX
Authorship: Joecolern

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