Greetings to the whole community, I am passionate about the crypto coins and a follower of good projects like IOOX Coin. In this new publication I would like to present the IOOX Coin project. I'm sure you've heard a lot about Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crytocurrencies, ICO... but IOOX Coin blockchain is the coolest, and for more details we're going to the following topics:
If we observe how society has evolved, from tribal societies we have moved to a different social structure in the modern world where people work in a specialized way and can do so in a global environment, from anywhere in the world due to the advent of technology and Internet. IOOX Coin is a social media platform with blockchain-based financial investors.The IOOX Coin social network will be one of unique and crypto social networks that will find cryptographic enthusiasts on a common platform and allow them to spread the appeal of information, including financial information, without missing any important updates.
Traders, Sellers, Asset Managers and Investors. IOOX Coin will enable all these participants to interact in real time with no problem by publishing updates, blogs, images, analyzes, personal situations, video channels and anything else that could be important.
About The Project
A smarter youthful team with a broadly clear vision uses blockchain technology to use ioox coin and other Cryptocurrencies in everyday life. Every day.
We do not believe in the confidentiality of transactions, they create confusion and lack of control. We believe in transparency, security and verifiability. ioox coin has to be paid for a drink every day for a coffee. ioox coin is for normal people who work, study or enjoy their well-deserved retirement. The ioox coin replaces micro transactions with cash or credit cards and is intended for every day.
IOOX Coin is indeed a progressive cryptographic money proposed for mass appropriation. Through the IOOX ring you can complete day by day smaller scale exchanges ordinary. You needn't bother with a telephone or Mastercard, purchase an espresso or lunch just with your IOOX ring and you can pay with IOOX coin, USD and other cryptographic money. IOOX will make propelled portion systems less difficult to use. It is constrained by methods for the application that licenses you to set most extraordinary portion means ensure portion security. So that from tomorrow it will reliably be more straightforward to use one's crypto in customary day by day presence.
Our Vision
We have envisioned what's to come. The future nearest to us for installment frameworks. To do this we should ignore our present and undertaking our considerations after some time. We are entering a different universe, without paper portion instruments, without old Visas. Our of things to come will go out, enter a bistro and pay with our ioox coin by putting his ioox ring to chest peruser
He will have nothing with him, just a ring or his own arm jewelery. Sooner rather than later we will pay with ioox coin and its ioox ring which, notwithstanding permitting us to pay, will contain our fundamental data: Blood type, hypersensitivities, living arrangement, what number of steps we take every day and what future we have dependent on our way of life. Enter our future.
The Ecosystem
- One Platform For Mass Adoption
The local ioox venture usage stage takes a shot at the Ethereum arrange. A solid and secure Blockchain arrange. Our decision was guided by the need to misuse the security and unwavering quality of a current system and apply to it an innovation that predicts that by 2020 around 340 million individuals will utilize wearable installment frameworks, smartwatches, rings, and so on source The IHS report Near Field Communications. We will be a bit of this future and we will be trusted in bearers.
- Final Consideration
ioox's basic target is to make the ioox portion advancement used by the larger part, bringing in cash related consolidation. Partaking in the ioox adventure infers being a bit of what might be on the horizon. Exchanges by means of wearable gadget are 40% quicker and inside a couple of years they will totally supplant credit or charge card exchanges. Today is a significant day for us.
We have envisioned what's to come. The future nearest to us for installment frameworks. To do this we should ignore our present and undertaking our considerations after some time. We are entering a different universe, without paper portion instruments, without old Visas. Our of things to come will go out, enter a bistro and pay with our ioox coin by putting his ioox ring to chest peruser
He will have nothing with him, just a ring or his own arm jewelery. Sooner rather than later we will pay with ioox coin and its ioox ring which, notwithstanding permitting us to pay, will contain our fundamental data: Blood type, hypersensitivities, living arrangement, what number of steps we take every day and what future we have dependent on our way of life. Enter our future.
The Ecosystem
- One Platform For Mass Adoption
The local ioox venture usage stage takes a shot at the Ethereum arrange. A solid and secure Blockchain arrange. Our decision was guided by the need to misuse the security and unwavering quality of a current system and apply to it an innovation that predicts that by 2020 around 340 million individuals will utilize wearable installment frameworks, smartwatches, rings, and so on source The IHS report Near Field Communications. We will be a bit of this future and we will be trusted in bearers.
- Final Consideration
ioox's basic target is to make the ioox portion advancement used by the larger part, bringing in cash related consolidation. Partaking in the ioox adventure infers being a bit of what might be on the horizon. Exchanges by means of wearable gadget are 40% quicker and inside a couple of years they will totally supplant credit or charge card exchanges. Today is a significant day for us.
● ERC20 token standard compliant
● Fast
● Smart & Programmable
Token Info:
● Address: 0xf6923F7d96fc22c4b8010a865e41cF7edfB6379C
● Token name : ioox
● Token decimals : 8
● Token standard : ERC20
● Blockchain Platform: Ethereum
● Total Supply: 10,000,000,000
ioox Token
● Public Sale: 20%
● Private Sale: 40%
● Reserve Fund: 10%
● Team & Founder: 15%
● Bounty & Events: 6%
● Advisors & Partners: 9%


Clear! Magical currency IOOX Coin A new era has come Technologies are changing the world. What previously seemed to be impossible, today is already the reality. Cryptocurrencies Like IOOX Coin are already transforming the business world by providing a decentralised platform that enhances business and would make cryptos more real in the minds of consumers.
For more detailed informations, visit:
WEBSITE: https://ioox.org/
● BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5208857.
● TWITTER: https://twitter.com/iooxsystem
● TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iooxsystem
● BOUNTY CHAT: https://t.me/iooxbounty
● INFOGRAPHIC: https://ioox.org/read/ioox-infographic.pdf
● FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/iooxSystemOfficial
● LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/iooxsystem/
● YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2WKFTxWlj6frB0fkmDdNwg
Authorship: Joecolern
My btt account: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2246034
Eth: 0x1911F0E835DA0706b783DDE62274280CE91f1F61
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